CREATIVITY IS FOR YOU! A message for you from Marcia Yudkin, Ph.D. Creativity encompasses much more than the heroic discoveries of great pioneers in science, business and the arts. Any time you are frustrated by a problem, inspired by a possibility or engrossed in your own quirky way of becoming more productive, you are being creative. Being creative just means you can solve problems resourcefully and express the uniqueness within you. You don't need to be Albert Einstein or Georgia O'Keeffe to enjoy the benefits of this inexhaustible resource. When your spontaneous joke gets others laughing, when you continually devise new product displays, when you think up ways to satisfy your boss, you are being creative. Not much has been written on this everyday kind of creativity, and that's why I launched my newsletter, THE CREATIVE GLOW: HOW TO BE MORE ORIGINAL, INSPIRED & PRODUCTIVE IN YOUR WORK. In the newsletter I've collected fascinating research, inspiring examples and practical tips tested with my seminar participants and consulting clients. The electronic book you are now reading offers six lessons on everyday creativity, excerpted from THE CREATIVE GLOW. If my insights help you view your everyday work habits and moment-by-moment thoughts in a new light, I look forward to welcoming you as a subscriber to my bimonthly newsletter. As a subscriber, you receive eight attractive, motivating pages through the mail six times per year. ("Classy," say several reviewers.) In 1994, for instance, subscribers to THE CREATIVE GLOW benefitted from these perspectives: * Four ways to get more comfortable with risk * How to turn mistakes into "portals of discovery" * The "Q&A" method of accessing your inner wisdom * Curing yourself of "hurry sickness" * Why smart people ask dumb questions -- as should you * Why creativity's dark side benefits you * Exercises to explode creative blocks and inner conflicts Special topics in the works for 1995 include: * How to profit from your natural curiosity * Why and how you can "come to your five senses" * Ways to liberate yourself from time, civilization's fourth- dimensional prison * How even introverts can acquire charisma -- interpersonal creativity * Trusting your creative powers Through the end of 1995, you can get the following special prices if you mention the "E-book offer": * Two years (twelve issues), starting with Volume I, #1 (January 1994), $59.00. * Three years (eighteen issues). starting with Volume I, #1 (January 1994), $79.00. The regular one-year subscription price (six issues) is $49.00. ____________________________________________________ Prices for Canadian subscribers (U.S. funds, please): * One year, $54.00. * Two years, $68.00 ___________________________________________________ Prices for foreign subscribers (U.S. funds, please): * One year, $59.00. * Two years, $74.00 Beyond the end of 1995, please inquire for current prices. HOW TO SUBSCRIBE 1. By mail: Send payment to Marcia Yudkin, Ph.D., P.O. Box 1310, Boston, MA 02117. This disk includes a file called ORDERFRM.TXT you can use to print an order form from your word processing program if you like. 2. By E-mail: Send Visa or Mastercard information, your postal address and telephone number to 75200.1163 (If you belong to Compuserve, E-mail to 75200,1163.) 3. By fax: Fax Visa or Mastercard information, your postal address and telephone number to 617-871-1728. This disk includes a file called ORDERFRM.TXT you can use to print an order form from your word processing program. 4. By phone: Call Visa or Mastercard information, your postal address and telephone number to Marcia Yudkin's 24- hour voice mail at 617-266-1613. Whether or not you choose to subscribe, please feel free to distribute this electronic book on bulletin boards, through shareware catalogs or other means so long as you do not alter it in any way. Happy creating!